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ANG Boris Andrej Mlakar's private collection of zithers

ANG Frescos of Angels with Musical Instruments in St. John the Baptist’s Parish Church in Mirna

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Boris Andrej Mlakar’s private collection of zithers

No permanent location
3320 Velenje

Boris Andrej Mlakar’s private collection of zithers is the most extensive in Slovenia. The collection consists of approximately 150 instruments, including zithers of outstanding quality made by highly acknowledged builders, such as Eduard Heidegger, Joseph Muller and Anton Kiendl. The collection’s most impressive items are the first zithers built in the Muller and Kiendl workshops.
A special highlight of the collection is the zither played by Anton Karas in The Third Man, a celebrated British film directed by Carol Reed. The instrument is one of only twelve zithers of this kind that were made for film music and bear the signature of Anton Karas.

The zither collection is on permanent display in various Slovenian galleries.