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Rado Simoniti Commemorative Plaque

On 12 October 2014, a commemorative plaque was attached to the house where Rado Simoniti was born to mark the centennial of the composer’s birth. Rado Simoniti The enduring legacy of Rado Simoniti (1914–1981) renders the prolific composer and conductor, popularly known as “the songsmith of Goriška brda”, one of the leading figures of Slovenian

Monument to Rado Simoniti

In 1987, a bronze statue of Rado Simoniti by Negovan Nemec was mounted on a stone column. Rado Simoniti The enduring legacy of Rado Simoniti (1914–1981) renders the prolific composer and conductor, popularly known as “the songsmith of Goriška brda”, one of the leading figures of Slovenian music tradition. His impressive output includes choral music,

Spominska plošča Radu Simonitiju

12. oktobra 2014 so na rojstno hišo Rada Simonitija pritrdili spominsko ploščo in s tem počastili 100. obletnico skladateljevega rojstva. Rado Simoniti Tako imenovani »pevec Goriških brd«, skladatelj in dirigent Rado Simoniti (1914–1981), se je v slovensko glasbeno zgodovino zapisal kot plodni ustvarjalec zborovske glasbe, samospevov, kantat, opere Partizanka Ana in priljubljene ponarodele pesmi Vstajenje

Spomenik Rada Simonitija

Leta 1987 so na kamniti steber postavili bronasto plastiko Rada Simonitija, ki jo je izdelal Negovan Nemec. Rado Simoniti Tako imenovani »pevec Goriških brd«, skladatelj in dirigent Rado Simoniti (1914–1981), se je v slovensko glasbeno zgodovino zapisal kot plodni ustvarjalec zborovske glasbe, samospevov, kantat, opere Partizanka Ana in priljubljene ponarodele pesmi Vstajenje Primorske, neuradne himne

Monument to Makso Pirnik

In 2015, the Tolmin Museum and the Municipality of Tolmin had a bronze bust erected to commemorate the centennial of the composer’s birth. The memorial, located in front of the Tolmin Music School, was made by Mirsad Begić. The statue had previously stood (from 2002) in Tolmin Town Square (Mestni trg). The inscription reads: “Makso

Spomenik Maksa Pirnika

Doprsni portret v bronu sta dala leta 2015, ko se je praznovalo 100-letnico rojstva skladatelja, postaviti Tolminski muzej in Občina Tolmin. Avtor spomenika, ki stoji pred vhodom v glasbeno šolo v Tolminu, je Mirsad Begić. Pred tem je bil kip (od leta 2002) na Mestnem trgu v Tolminu. Napis na njem se glasi: »Makso Pirnik

Commemorative Plaque to the Fallen Composers of World War II

The plaque commemorating fallen composers was attached to the façade of the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. The memorial is dedicated to resistance fighters who died during WWII while engaged in the struggle for national liberation as members of the 14th Division and during the German offensive on Paški Kozjak. These fighters included the Partisan

Spominska plošča padlim skladateljem

Spominsko ploščo so v spomin padlim skladateljem pritrdili na fasado Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani. Obeležje so posvetili borcem, ki so padli v bojih 14. divizije in v času nemške ofenzive na Paški Kozjak. Med njimi sta bila avtorja partizanskih pesmi Rudi Pešl (1916–1945) in Sveto Marolt – Špik (1919–1944), ki je na Kajuhovo besedilo

Bela Krajina Museum Metlika

Founded in 1951, the Bela Krajina Museum is located in Metlika Castle on the River Kolpa, the natural border between Slovenia and Croatia. The Museum houses a permanent collection of the cultural heritage of the Slovenian region of Bela krajina (White Carniola), which apart from historical and ethnographic artefacts includes some important musical exhibits chronicling

Monument to the Anthem of the Slovenian Littoral

The monument dedicated to the anthem of the Slovenian Littoral, Vstajenje Primorske (The Rise of the Littoral), was erected in 2013 in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of its genesis. The memorial enjoys the spectacular view that inspired the author of the lyrics, Lev Svetek-Zorin. In 1944, the day after he arrived at the frontier